Pro Ripped MAX
Maximum Strength Fat Burner will help you burn more calories, fat, control appetite, and give you more energy and focus throughout the day.
Promotes Weight Loss. Get that lean dream body by burning your excess fat and calories effectively.
• Boosts maximum energy. Do your workouts without feeling easily tired or fatigued. Have long-lasting power and strength throughout the day.
• Promotes appetite control. By having a decreased appetite, you'll feel more satiated, eat less, lose fat, and easily maintain your ideal weight.
How to Use:
Take four (4) capsules daily. Take two (2) capsules before the first meal of the day and two (2) capsules six (6) hours later. Must only be taken orally. ***This is an extremely effective product,***MAKE SURE TO START with one (1) capsule per serving until tolerance is reached.